Legacy of the ‘Know-Nothings’
http://www.wickedlocal.com/weston/news/opinions/x770709648/Gass-Legacy-of-the-Know-Nothings#axzz2NcNYjWOG “The Irish are perhaps the only people in our history with the distinction of having a political party, the Know-Nothings, formed against them,” wrote John F. Kennedy in his 1958 book, “A Nation of Immigrants.” Today, few people realize that the Massachusetts Constitution has two Know-Nothing-style amendments, which still thrust their mid-nineteenth century bigotry into our world. Massachusetts in the 1850s was a bustling, disjointed, and rapidly growing state. The Yankee Commonwealth and its cities were undergoing seismic industrial and social transformations. New and powerful railroads, factories, telegraph lines, and banks ruled the day. The mass immigration of tens-of-thousands of souls fleeing the Irish Potato Famine fueled this mighty engine, which would drive the Commonwealth’s historic economic growth. Despite […]