US Data Labs

Laboratories of Democracy

COMING SOON: Pioneer Institute is in the final stages of developing US DataLabs, a website that provides state-level data on Government, Economy, Education, Population, Energy, Infrastructure, Crime & Justice, Taxation and Health. The site provides trend information and allows for comparisons and rankings among the states.

Our goal is to provide a platform that enables users to compare states across a variety of measures and leverage these insights to challenge the status quo. Our site is designed to empower users to ask informed, data-driven questions of public leaders. As active members of the public, we have not only the right but the responsibility to hold elected officials and policymakers accountable for their performance and drive continuous improvement.

US Data Labs consists of Tableau applications, arranged in nine topic areas, Each application has between 2-7 dashboards, and each dashboard contains between 1-5 graphs and charts.  The site also offers a peer finder so users can determine peer states based on the metrics they choose.








Crime & Justice


Peer Finder