Tag Archive for: Sandra Stotsky

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Study Calls for Reinstating Passage of U.S. History Test as Graduation Requirement
The Massachusetts Legislature should require the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to reinstate passage of the U.S. history MCAS exam as a high school graduation requirement and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education should provide teachers in grades 6-10 with examples of specific texts that could be assigned to prepare students to read a seminal historical text such as Federalist #10 in grade 11 or 12, according to a new study published by Pioneer Institute.

New Study Suggests Remedies for Common Core Literature Deficit
State and local education policy makers in the 46 states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards should emphasize the literary-historical content that already exists in the standards and add an additional literature-based standard to address Common Core’s lack of literary content.

Why States Should Hop Off the National Standards Bandwagon

The Battle Over Common Core Math Standards: Will A Larger Federal Role Help or

The Serpent in Finland’s Garden of Equity:Essay Review of Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learnfrom Educational Change in Finland by Pasi Sahlberg
Essay Review of Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from…

Why Race to the Middle? First-Class State Standards Are Better than Third-Class National Standards
First-Class State Standards Are Better than Third-Class National…