Tag Archive for: MBTA Retirement Fund

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Study Finds Pension Obligation Bonds Could Worsen T Retirement Fund’s Financial Woes
A new study published by Pioneer Institute finds that issuing pension obligation bonds (POBs) to refinance $360 million of the MBTA Retirement Fund’s (MBTARF’s) $1.3 billion unfunded pension liability would only compound the T’s already serious financial risks.

Report Calls on FMCB to Seek Legislative Intervention on Projected 18-Year, $1.485 Billion T Pension Shortfall
New evaluation commissioned by MBTA projects T contributions…

Study: Evidence Suggests MBTA Pension Low-Balled Costs And Liabilities
Quarter-century of data shows costs at up to six times valuation…

Study Calls For Steps Toward Terminating Troubled MBTA Retirement Fund
The MBTA should assess the feasibility of moving its employees out of the Social Security system and transfer investment management responsibility for its pension fund to the commonwealth’s Pension Reserves Investment Management board as initial steps toward terminating the MBTA Retirement Fund

Study: T Pensions Would Be Worth $902M More Had Assets Been Managed by State Pension Fund After 2000
MBTA would have saved $676 million, T pensions would have been…

OpEd: Shine a light upon MBTA pension fund
By Mary Z. Connaughton and Charles Chieppo
Guest Columnists

Recent Ruling on MBTA Retirement Fund Major Victory for Transparency & Accountability
The Boston Globe and the Boston Herald reported on an important…

Study: MBTA Retirement Fund Failings a Cautionary Tale
Study Finds Poor Governance Structure, Lack of Accountability…

Open Letter: Regarding Reform of the MBTA Retirement Fund
The past year has seen the MBTA Retirement Fund mired in scandals…

The End of the Line for the MBTA Retirement Fund?
Without Taxpayer Support, MBTA Retirement Fund Would Become Insolvent…

Who’s Responsible for the MBTA Retirement Fund
It cannot have been a particularly merry Christmas for Stephen…