Tag Archive for: ICER
A Rush to Judgment on Alzheimer’s Drug
The Boston-based Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) sells itself as an independent source of information on the value of pharmaceuticals. But earlier this month, their bias was again evident when they tried to kneecap a drug for a dreaded disease before there’s even enough data to determine how valuable the drug really is. ICER has adopted this same strategy in the past on innovative drugs for cancer, cystic fibrosis, and other devastating diseases. This time ICER’s target is aducanumab, Biogen’s drug for Alzheimer’s disease.
The QALY and Cancer Treatments: An Ill-Advised Match
This report examines the alarming methodological and contextual shortcomings of the Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY)-based methodology in evaluating new cancer therapies. It reveals five specific problems with ICER’s evaluation of cancer treatments and demonstrates the urgent need to prohibit the use of the QALY amid trends in rapid cancer innovations and personalized medicine.
New Analysis: ICER Framework Ignores Patient Preferences, Innovation & Societal Benefits in Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness of New Cancer Treatments
Pioneer Institute today released a new analysis, The QALY and Cancer Treatments: An Ill-Advised Match, that examines the alarming methodological and contextual shortcomings of the Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY)-based methodology in evaluating new cancer therapies. The Pioneer Institute analysis reveals five specific problems with ICER’s evaluation of cancer treatments and demonstrates the urgent need to prohibit the use of the QALY amid trends in rapid cancer innovations and personalized medicine.
ICER Proves Its Lack of Business Acumen, Again
A recent Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) “Report on Unsupported Price Increases,” concluded that: “Among the top drugs with price increases in 2019…ICER determined that seven of 10 lacked adequate new evidence to demonstrate a substantial clinical benefit that was not yet previously known.” The impression left by the report is that drug companies arbitrarily raise prices without good reason. As with so many ICER products, the study is misleading and demonstrates a profound lack of business acumen.
New Report: Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY) Methodology Discriminates Against Older Americans, Threatens to Deny Seniors Access to Life-Saving Care
New report asserts that with older americans more vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic, all health plans should avoid using the QALY methodology when assessing the value of care for older patients
New Report & Legal Analysis Suggests ICER’s Quality Adjusted Life Years Methodology Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act
A new report, "The Legality of QALY under the ADA," outlines several potential legal violations and negative implications for disabled individuals related to the adoption of the QALY approach to drug value assessment, used most prominently by ICER.
Report: Rare Disease Patients Hurt by “One-Size-Fits-All” ICER Framework
This op-ed appeared in ICERWatch on June 26, 2019.
The Institute…
New Report Addresses Distinct Challenges in Utilizing ICER to Assess Value of Rare Disease Treatments
Pioneer Institute Discourages Policymakers & Payers from…
Putting a Price on Life: The Coming Fight Over Government Rationing of Medical Care
This article appeared on The Mackinac Center for Public Policy…
Here’s why Sarah Palin’s ‘death panels’ are now being debated in Massachusetts
This op-ed by Shira Schoenberg appeared in MassLive on April…
Issue Brief: Problems With The Institute of Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) and the QALY Methodology
This article by Chris Rochester appeared in The MacIver Institute…
Commentary: Proposed Drug Price Caps Would Stall Advances in Health Care
This op-ed by William Smith and Adam Crepeau appeared in the…
HHS Secretary Alex Azar doesn’t want drug access to become an equation
This op-ed by William Smith appeared in the Washington Examiner…
The U.S. shouldn’t use the ‘QALY’ in drug cost-effectiveness reviews
This op-ed by William Smith appeared in STAT News on February…
Baker’s Orwellian drug pricing policy
This op-ed by William Smith appeared in Commonwealth Magazine…
Study Urges Caution Before Adopting ICER Reviews to Determine Cost Effectiveness of Treatments
Review methodology could negatively impact elderly, the disabled,…