Tag Archive for: deval patrick

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Massachusetts Needs a Comprehensive Performance Management Framework
Many states have made promoted government efficiency and effectiveness by setting goals and tracking their progress. Massachusetts tried making a performance structure, but in 2014 it was discontinued. Today, the state lacks a comprehensive structure to track progress.

Dimming the state’s literary light
September marks Johnson’s 310th birthday. His A Dictionary of the English Language (1755) used 114,000 timeless quotations to help define 42,000 words, making it among the most famous dictionaries in human history.

Deval’s Big Dig: Responding to the Governor on Connector Report
When we talk about the Big Dig, we talk in big, round numbers.…

Massachusetts Charter Schools: “A Fire You Can’t Put Out”
This past week, at the urging of state K-12 education commissioner…

Government Transparency: A Step Forward
Governor Deval Patrick launched the MassResults web page to…

Common Core Math’s House of Hay
More than once, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has described…

The Dog Ate DCF’s Report Card
It looks like the besieged folks down at the Division of Children…

Boston Herald: Pay for current transit system first
We need new revenue to maintain Massachusetts’ crumbling transportation system. But Gov. Deval Patrick’s new blueprint gives the same old interest groups the tools to repeat the mistakes that got us into this mess in the first place.

If Only Governor Patrick Knew What His Medicaid Office Was Up To
While Governor Patrick has been pleading with the Legislature…

Patrick’s economic development plan is flawed

Session 6 -CMS & Mass Marriage Counseling
Today marks the 6th extension granted to the Commonwealth for…

Obama Admin Rethinking Massachusetts Model? Part 2
My now monthly blog post wondering if there will be agreement…

Patrick Admin’s Misdiagnosis on ACA Transparency
This post was co-written by Michael Morisy.
During this year’s…