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Filename MultiCityHealthcareTransparency-PB-1.pdf
Filesize 1.14 MB
Version 1 Previous versions
Date added October 28, 2016
Downloaded 24755 times
Category Health Care, Health Care Policy (Federal), Policy Briefs, Price Transparency

Author: Barbara Anthony, with assistance by Scott Haller

Date: February 21, 2016

This policy brief is the third in a series of reports on healthcare price transparency prepared by Pioneer Institute. Researchers surveyed six major metropolitan areas and spoke with 54 acute care hospitals across those regions: Des Moines, IA, Raleigh-Durham, NC, Orlando, FL, Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX, New York, NY and Los Angeles, CA asking for the price of an MRI of the left knee without contrast. In addition, they explored the existence of federal and state laws that might apply in the states where the hospitals surveyed are located. They also examined the websites of the 54 hospitals for price information. The results of this survey are described in this policy brief.