How is this for pushing hard to obtain Race to the Top Funds?
In a recent post, I pointed to the new Commissioner of Education in RI, Deborah Gist, and her moves to remove seniority from decisions about teacher hiring and deployment.
(Springfield, MA, is the only other place in the Northeast to be trying hard to address this issue. And while the contract in Springfield is great, I am not at all sure where implementation is.)
Take a listen to the Dan Yorke show on WPRO for both Commissioner Gist’s view and NEA-RI Executive Director Bob Walsh’s reaction.
Kudos to Dan Yorke for pressing his guests and his civility. Really great stuff.
Note to the Chairs of the Education Committee, Marty Walz and Bob O’Leary: Lots of other states (even RI) are making some really hard decisions in order to get into pole position on the RTTT Funds.