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Transforming Urban School Districts through Choice

Roe Paper No. 20 2007 Author(s): Foundation for Education Reform and Accountability — Publication date: 2007-09-01 Category: Better Government Abstract: The Foundation for Education Reform & Accountability (FERA), based in Albany, New York, has been implementing a school-choice initiative – the Albany Project – that has created high-quality charter schools to serve more than half of the local public school student population in the state’s capital city. FERA believes that a district composed of choice schools can better serve students, parents, and the community than the traditional urban school district system. The Albany Project is demonstrating that the charter school model – freedom from state regulations and education bureaucracy, freedom to innovate, and increased accountability – can better serve all […]

Repair, Replacement, Renovation and Maintenance Program

Roe Paper No. 19 2007 Author(s): Hillsborough County, Florida — Publication date: 2007-09-01 Category: Better Government Abstract: The Repair, Replacement, Renovation and Maintenance (R3M) Program concept is a strategy for managing Hillsborough County’s physical assets. The purpose of the R3M Program is to protect investment in infrastructure, reduce the maintenance backlog, control and reduce costs, minimize waste, and to maintain public buildings and facilities in a safe and efficient condition. [wpdm_package id=85]

Extending the Stat Model Across the Commonwealth

Roe Paper No. 18 2007 Author(s): Somerville SomerStat Program — Publication date: 2007-09-01 Category: Better Government Abstract: After nearly a decade of evolution, municipal Stat programs, such as NYPD’sCompStat and Baltimore’s CitiStat, have proved very successful in improving city service delivery and cutting unnecessary spending. Though slightly different in each implementation, all Stat programs involve frequent meetings at which key decision-makers and department heads review data on operational performance, identify problems and solutions, and track follow-up. The City of Baltimore reported $70 million in savings attributable to CitiStat in its first three years of operations. [wpdm_package id=84]

Reducing Unnecessary Institutionalization of Senior Citizens

Roe Paper No. 17 2007 Author(s): ProVentive — Publication date: 2007-09-01 Category: Better Government Abstract: This proposal involves collecting and integrating existing data on the health of elderly patients. This information would be used to construct patient profiles to help predict and prevent unexpected incidents. A data-driven coordination of programs and services would aid in early interventions, and also help evaluate how different strategies, programs, and agencies could reduce unnecessary nursing home institutionalization. [wpdm_package id=83]


Roe Paper No. 16 2007 Author(s): Kimberly Koegel — Publication date: 2007-09-01 Category: Better Government Abstract: In 2000, the Florida state legislature approved funding for an online e-procurement portal called MyFloridaMarketPlace. The project was overseen by Florida’s Division of Management Services (DMS), which contracted with Accenture in the fall of 2002 to create and manage the portal. [wpdm_package id=82]