Closing the Doors, Leaving a Legacy: Embark Microschool’s StoryMarch 6, 2025 - 12:28 pm
Study: Inclusionary Zoning Helps Some, but Can Jeopardize Broad-Based AffordabilityMarch 6, 2025 - 9:43 am
UK Oxford’s Robin Lane Fox on Homer & The IliadMarch 5, 2025 - 10:24 am
Director/Actor Samuel Lee Fudge on Marcus Garvey & Pan-AfricanismFebruary 26, 2025 - 1:31 pm
State Report Card on Telehealth Reform: Progress Slowed in 2024 Leaving Patients Without AccessFebruary 26, 2025 - 12:02 pm
Wildflower’s 70+ Microschools, Eight Years Later: Did Matt’s Vision Become Reality?February 20, 2025 - 2:31 pm
Pioneer Institute Study Says MA Housing Permitting Process Needs Systemic ReformFebruary 19, 2025 - 7:09 pm
Cornell’s Margaret Washington on Sojourner Truth, Abolitionism, & Women’s RightsFebruary 19, 2025 - 1:08 pm
UK Oxford & ASU’s Sir Jonathan Bate on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet & LoveFebruary 14, 2025 - 11:41 am
Mapping Mass Migration – New 2024 Census Estimates Show Surge in Population Growth, With Considerable CaveatsFebruary 13, 2025 - 1:13 pm
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MA and federal health care reforms
/0 Comments/in Blog, News /byPioneer has never taken a “position” on the MA Health Care Reform Act of 2006. We’ve held events (1, 2, and others) discussing the merits and weaknesses, and we’ve published a paper on how we should monitor its implementation and make corrections. We are worried about cost implications, crowd-out of the private market and other stuff, but we like state experimentation and we think it should be gauged largely by the empirical question: Has it worked? Our Senior Fellow on Health Care Amy Lischko will help us answer those questions. Those who use it as a justification for federal efforts to recast our health care options, however, are just plain uninformed. The fact is we are only getting to know […]
Don't cut the safety net to shreds
/0 Comments/in Blog, News /byThe State House News Service (subscription required) reports that The state will lay off more than 300 mental health workers over the next several days, with about 300 more opting to accept voluntary retirements and layoffs as the Department of Mental Health moves forward with its closing of Westborough State Hospital. The fact is the Governor has been cutting deeply into the safety for a long time, and at a rate that is alarming. See my blog on the Governor’s job cuts, which are 75% from safety net programs. In comparison, and I know this is counter-intuitive to some, Governor Romney’s cuts to safety net program jobs in 2005 and 2006 amounted to only 25% of the overall cuts to […]
Creating Jobs: Reforming Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts
/0 Comments/in Economic Opportunity, News /by Editorial StaffAuthor(s): Steve Poftak — Publication date: 2011-02-10 Category: Economic Opportunity Abstract: Pioneer Institute and the Massachusetts High Technology Council are pleased to present a new study that meets this demand: “Creating Jobs: Reforming Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts.” As the report highlights, Massachusetts’s Unemployment Insurance system – the most generous in the nation in terms of eligibility requirements and benefit duration – is actually inhibiting job creation. The report offers four reform proposals that could generate 10,000 new jobs and $7.5 billion in economic growth over the next decade. [wpdm_package id=53]
CPOE Initiative
/0 Comments/in Healthcare, News /by Editorial StaffIn 2004, the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC), in partnership with New England Healthcare Institute (NEHI), created the Massachusetts Hospital CPOE initiative, a six-year-long campaign to speed adoption of a computer technology that can drastically reduce the scourge of harmful medication errors. The Initative’s groundbreaking research revealed that one in every ten patients in a Massachusetts community hospital suffers a serious but preventable medication error. The finding spurred the Massachusetts Legislature, the state’s private payers and later the US Congress to enact policy changes encouraging or requiring the use of Computerized Physician Order Entry, or CPOE. [wpdm_package id=262]
Health Insurance Cost Control
/0 Comments/in Healthcare, Press Releases /by Editorial StaffThe combined use of limited, or slective, provider networks and a defined contribution strategy presents an immediate opportunity for government entities and employer groups to achieve significant and sustainable health insurance savings and reduce medical cost trends, while maintaing coverage leverls and quality of care. Health Insurance Cost Control