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Can employers require job applicants to have a high school diploma? BNA, a subsidiary of Bloomberg L.P., is a great source of reporting on legal and regulatory issues that matter to businesses.  In mid-December BNA shared the following item, which will be a shocker to most employers: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer’s requirement that applicants have a high school diploma must be job-related and consistent with business necessity, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission stated in an “informal discussion letter” posted on its website Dec. 2. I don’t know of many employers who think twice about requiring a high school diploma.  The EEOC letter “does not constitute an official opinion of the commission,” but rather is an indication that at a date not too far in to the […]

Can employers require job applicants to have a high school diploma?

BNA, a subsidiary of Bloomberg L.P., is a great source of reporting on legal and regulatory issues that matter to businesses. In mid-December BNA shared the following item, which will be a shocker to most employers: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer’s requirement that applicants have a high school diploma must be job-related and consistent with business necessity, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission stated in an “informal discussion letter” posted on its website Dec. 2. I don’t know of many employers who think twice about requiring a high school diploma. The EEOC letter “does not constitute an official opinion of the commission,” but rather is an indication that at a date not too far in to the future […]

Education Reform in Massachusetts: Pioneer Institute’s 20 Anniversary Celebration

Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld, Former Massachusetts Senate President Thomas Birmingham, Former Massachusetts Legislator and Pittsburgh Superintendent Mark Roosevelt, former state Education Commissioner David Driscoll, and former Secretary of Education Michael Sentance, Citizens United for Charter Schools co-founder Nancy Myers Coolidge, Neighborhood House Charter Headmaster Kevin Andrews, and former Pioneer Executive Director Jim Peyser discuss the instrumental role in advancing education reform played by Pioneer and its founder, Pete Peters.

What is blended learning?

A number of readers of recent posts on virtual (or digital) learning have asked for some definitions around jargon used by proponents and experts. I wanted to share a brief video on “blended learning,” a term that you hear increasingly, especially in states where charter public schools and district schools are attempting to integrate online tools into the classroom. Blended learning is, if you will, that broad area between the traditional classroom, where you have a teacher lecturing and teaching a class of kids, and exclusive use by a student of online resources to drive their learning. The video embedded below was written by Anthony Kim and Michael Thompson of Education Elements. It is a bit dry and a tad […]

Tough Times on virtual learning? Back at the start of December, I blogged on the need for both an open door to online learning and also a greater focus on accountability for those who would operate in that space. Understanding the quality of the choices in the marketplace will have to be informed by more than giddy passion about the promise of virtual learning. A cursory look at the research done on virtual learning suggests that there has been to date more energy than light on the impact of VL on sustained student achievement. …We are just at the start of the virtual learning movement, and there is so much promise in the short term regarding access to high-quality content, targeted instruction, peer tutoring […]