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Massachusetts’ Katrina Moment
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Education, Blog: School Choice, Jim Stergios, Related Education Blogs /byIn a previous job, I spent a lot of time in major Massachusetts cities outside of Boston. Cities like New Bedford and Fall River, with their stunning coastal views, and cities at the edge of Boston with so much potential like Lynn and Brockton, always intrigued me. But I have to admit to two favorites–Springfield and Lawrence. They are indeed among the most troubled, but they are both architecturally unique, with strong neighborhoods and muscular industrial histories. Whenever in Lawrence, I would try to make it to Saint Anthony’s Maronite Church or eat at Cafe Azteca. The smells in each place are enough to keep you going for days. A sensation similar to the “beignet haze” you get walking within […]
Manufacturing Still Matters
/0 Comments/in Blog, News /by Steve PoftakWay back in 2006, Pioneer was interested in manufacturing. Our Measuring Up study on the cost of doing business in Massachusetts showed that manufacturing was still an important employer in the state and, importantly, was a source of good wages in the places it was located. More recently, we’ve been intrigued by the possibility of a resurgence in the sector based on rising costs at some of our off-shore competitors. Now, Brookings Institution has done a comprehensive study of manufacturing jobs across the country. In our major metropolitan areas (Boston, Springfield, Worcester) , manufacturing jobs account for 7% to 11% of total jobs. There’s been a roughly 30% decline in the number of these jobs over the last decade, but […]
Cart Before the Horse in Media Coverage of Massachusetts Payment Reform
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Healthcare, Healthcare /byBefore digging into the Senate bill this afternoon, I wanted to express my concern about early media coverage of the payment reform debate. The spotlight has become focused on 3 or 4 points, all contained in press releases. No one can knowledgably comment on the Senate bill since they have not seen the full language- as they are still finalizing parts of it this morning. It is easy to say the two bills look the same from the press release, but are they? The debate over somewhat arbitrary cost growth goals is pointless, unless there is a debate about the mechanisms to get there. Did we forget that DHCFP data tells us 53% of employers are self-insured in our state […]
Not grateful about “charter cap lift”
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Education, Blog: School Choice, Jim Stergios, Related Education Blogs /byThe 2010 Achievement Gap bill that was passed by both the House and the Senate and signed into law by Governor Patrick lifted the limits on charter schools and the number of students in them in districts that were failing to see improvements in student achievement. Rather than limiting the number of students to 9% in these largely urban districts, the law allowed up to 18% of students to attend charter schools. The six-year period for the expansion up to 18 percent of students was not coincidental. It aligns with the six-year reimbursement schedule for districts, by which districts: • receive 100% of the per-pupil funding for in the first year after a student leaves for a public charter; • […]
I Pledge My Faith in Bureaucracy- Mass Health Reform II
/2 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Healthcare, Healthcare /byThe House version of payment reform creates a new mega agency, the Division of Health Care Cost and Quality. To be fair, the House collapses a few other state agencies into the new Division, but there is no question this entity is given far-reaching and broad regulatory power. The Division will be independent and “not subject to the supervision and control of any other” public entity. (Section 29, subsection 2(a)) The controversial federal Affordable Care Act drew negative attention for how many times the Secretary of HHS was instructed to act on major policy, roughly 700 times in 2,700 pages. The House’s bill outdoes the ACA by requiring the division to take action 163 times in 178 pages, or almost […]
How are the Rural Poor Doing at School?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Education, Blog: School Choice, Jim Stergios, Related Education Blogs /byMassachusetts is a wealthy place. We are among the wealthiest states in the country, and the educational attainment of Massachusetts parents is well beyond that of parents in every other state. All this should point to high-powered students and schools in the Bay State. In fact, “big thinkers” in education policy often point to those factors to explain why Massachusetts does so well on national and international assessments. In part, that’s true. But what these big thinkers fail to see is that Massachusetts not only has risen from around 11th in the country on the national assessments to number one, but also that the performance of all Massachusetts student groups has gone up. In fact, Massachusetts’ improvement in performance among […]
Many Unanswered Questions On Payment Reform
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Healthcare, Healthcare /byThe next act of the Massachusetts health care reform drama is about to play out on Beacon Hill. As the same familiar characters return to the stage, the character who should be the hero of this drama, the patient, is nowhere to be found. Instead we are sitting down to a repeat performance. The language of reform is promising, but the reality of implementation remains hazy. Over the next few days I will blog on why the House of Representatives’ bill left out the patient as part of the solution. However, for now, below are just a few questions to prime the pump for this discussion and for you to consider: How will western Massachusetts comply with the state mandate […]
UMASS Law School Revisited
/1 Comment/in Blog, News /by Steve PoftakI won’t bury the lede — the UMASS law school has been recommended for provisional accreditation by the ABA’s Accreditation Committee. The next step will be a consideration of that recommendation by the ABA’s Council on Legal Education. A commenter on a related post claims that the Council has always accepted the recommendation of the Committee. After receiving provisional accreditation, the school undergoes at least three years of review to move from provisional to full accreditation. That will be an ongoing challenge for the school but from the perspective of students, provisional accreditation gets them the right to take the bar in any state they want, so provisional is good enough right now. As a longtime critic of the law […]
Romney and Obama tussle on education
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Common Core, Blog: Education, Jim Stergios, Related Education Blogs /bySo let the games begin. Finally, the presidential candidates may get to education. For the greater part of a month, the presidential candidates have been sizing each other up, jabbing each other on jobs and the economy, who’s more in touch with the average voter, and all sorts of distractions like who is waging that war on women and whether the president should play politics with foreign policy (as if that’s anything new). Given that education is a key factor affecting the country’s ability to create jobs–and that it is one of the key sectors of public employment–you would have thought that education would have made the dance card a little earlier in the process. But no. Finally, we have […]
Here We Go Again… Now It’s Medford
/0 Comments/in Blog, News /by Steve PoftakSeveral months back, the egregious abuses at the Chelsea Housing Authority showed the weaknesses in oversight of municipal housing authorities. The fact that it got away with that abuse for so long, even after federal and state audits, should give one pause. Now, the Medford Housing Authority is under scrutiny. This time, its not the Executive Director’s salary that’s in question. Rather, its his habit of hiring underqualified political favorites and widespread ‘irregularities’ in contracting. In addition, there are allegations of improper usage of funds by other employees. And, once again, we have the troubling spectre of the entity which is supposed to provide oversight — the Board of Directors — unable or unwilling to do its job properly. This […]
Self-dealing among education officials
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Common Core, Blog: Education, Jim Stergios, Related Education Blogs /byI’m conflicted about how to say this. Getting stuff done is about building relationships and trying to find ways to get along and in fact pulling the right people together toward a goal. But it is also about saying things straight and pulling no punches when what’s being debated matters a lot. I often write about education standards because, unlike some other ed policy choices, standards impact the entire landscape of education. If used effectively to drive reform, they set the contours of classroom content, they constitute the basis for student tests, and they define the basis for teacher tests that ultimately play a bigger role on the quality of teaching in the Commonwealth than any professional development program afterward. […]
If Only Governor Patrick Knew What His Medicaid Office Was Up To
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Healthcare, Healthcare /byWhile Governor Patrick has been pleading with the Legislature to act on his February 2011 payment reform bill that would move our health care system towards global payments and accountable care organizations, his MassHealth (Medicaid) office has moved in the opposite direction. (You can read my testimony on the Governor’s bill here) In March 2011, the MassHealth program changed their default enrollment policy for new enrollees that did not affirmatively select a managed care option–either one of the 5 Medicaid managed care organizations (MCO) or the Primary Care Clinician Plan (PCC). Before the switch, if an individual, after being determined eligible for Medicaid, did not affirmatively select a managed care option, the MassHealth office would auto-enroll them into either one […]
Conflicts of Interest in MA’s adoption of national standards
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Common Core, Blog: Education, Jim Stergios, Related Education Blogs /by“No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.” – James Madison, Federalist #10 In this season of US Supreme Court decisions we’re reminded that independent and objective judgment on key legal and public policy matters has been an aspiration in Anglo-America law and justice (not to mention scientific inquiry) for centuries. In America, it was John Adams in Massachusetts and James Madison of Virginia who were best at articulating the importance of independent judgment. The push for national education standards has brought to light a variety of troubling questions about the legality, cost, and academic quality that has been discussed here and […]
Is Romneycare A Budget Buster?
/2 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Healthcare, Healthcare, News /byThe Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) put out a report late last week on the cost of Massachusetts health reform. The number from the report that has gotten the most media attention has been– $91 million. Over the five full fiscal years since the law was implemented, the incremental additional state cost per year has averaged $91 million… This is a very strange way to interpret the cost data. Here is the breakdown from the report: The better number to highlight would be the incremental increase each year over the 2006 baseline. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Over 2006 baseline (millions) – $268 $645 $1,037 $834 $906 If you add this up and divide by 5, you come up with […]
HOT(High Occupancy Toll) Lanes in Massachusetts?
/0 Comments/in Blog, News /by Steve PoftakToll hikes are a tough sell in this area, but what if tolls were optional? And what if you were getting a premium level of service in return for your money? That’s the basic idea behind HOT (High Occupancy Toll) Lanes. These are segregated lanes that are tolled (usually at variable rates to keep traffic flowing) and run alongside ‘free’, untolled lanes. Think the HOV lanes on I-93 except they charge an open-road toll for vehicles that aren’t carpools. The toll would vary according to the time of day in order to keep traffic flowing (e.g. the price would be high during rush hour and decline during times of lighter traffic). Lots of other places are trying this concept out […]