A Republic of Laws – Additional Resources
The Federalist, by Hamilton, Madison, and & Jay, edited by Jacob E. Cooke The Birth Of The Bill Of Rights, 1776-1791, by Robert Allen Rutland Framed for Posterity: The Enduring Philosophy of the Constitution, by Ralph Ketcham A History of the Supreme Court, by Bernard Schwartz John Jay: Founding Father, by Walter Stahr The Great Chief Justice: John Marshall and the Rule of Law, by Charles F. Hobson Supreme Injustice: Slavery in the Nation’s Highest Court, by Paul Finkelman Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review, by Robert Lowry Clinton Justice William Johnson, the First Dissenter: The Career and Constitutional Philosophy of a Jeffersonian Judge, by Donald G. Morgan John Marshall: Writings (Library of America Founders Collection), by John Marshall (Author) […]