Tag Archive for: MBTA

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Public Statement: Pioneer Applauds MBTA Control Board For Seeking To Modernize Bus Maintenance
Pioneer applauds the MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board's…

Report Calls on FMCB to Seek Legislative Intervention on Projected 18-Year, $1.485 Billion T Pension Shortfall
New evaluation commissioned by MBTA projects T contributions…

Op-ed: Shame on the Senate for undoing Pacheco Law exemption
By Jim Stergios JUNE 02, 2017
The MBTA has hundreds of…

Study: Evidence Suggests MBTA Pension Low-Balled Costs And Liabilities
Quarter-century of data shows costs at up to six times valuation…

Putting The T On A Clear Path To High Performance
Pioneer Institute recently submitted public testimony to the…

Study Finds MBTA Had Nation’s Highest Bus Maintenance Costs In 2015
Reducing costs to average of the most similar U.S. transit systems…

The Power of Competition at the T
In 2015, right after record-setting snowfall shut down the region's…

Getting the T Back on Track
The reforms that the Massachusetts Legislature advanced at the…

Report Calls for Independent Audit & Actuarial Valuation of T Pension Fund
Response commissioned by fund to whistleblower report dismissed…

Pioneer Institute Statement On The MBTA Contract With The Carmen’s Union
In February 2015, Pioneer Institute issued a statement citing…

Study Calls For Steps Toward Terminating Troubled MBTA Retirement Fund
The MBTA should assess the feasibility of moving its employees out of the Social Security system and transfer investment management responsibility for its pension fund to the commonwealth’s Pension Reserves Investment Management board as initial steps toward terminating the MBTA Retirement Fund

Study Urges New MBTA Strategic Plan to Focus on Attracting More Riders
Increased ridership would boost revenue, reduce congestion and…

MBTA Analysis Offers Data Comparisons between MBTA & Other Transit Agencies Nationwide
Pioneer Institute is unveiling “MBTAanalysis.com,” a web-based data tool that provides year-by-year comparative data and performance ratings for the MBTA and other transit agencies across the country.

Outsourcing bus services is—by now—conventional wisdom
Outsourcing bus services is—by now—conventional wisdom

Could Bus Rapid Transit Be the Future of Public Transportation in Boston?
As the Greater Boston Area continues to grow, it is important…

Update on the State of the Green Line Extension
The idea for the Green Line Extension (GLX) has been around for…

Pioneer Institute Public Statement to the MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board
Earlier this week, Fox 25 News reported that Michael Mulhern,…

Study: T Pensions Would Be Worth $902M More Had Assets Been Managed by State Pension Fund After 2000
MBTA would have saved $676 million, T pensions would have been…

OpEd: Shine a light upon MBTA pension fund
By Mary Z. Connaughton and Charles Chieppo
Guest Columnists

Recent Ruling on MBTA Retirement Fund Major Victory for Transparency & Accountability
The Boston Globe and the Boston Herald reported on an important…

New Study Reveals MBTA’s Reckless Financial Derivatives
Read coverage in The Bond Buyer: "MBTA Lost $236M in 15 Years…

Out-of-Control Administrative Staffing Budget Increases at the MBTA
With talk of fare hikes and ongoing performance problems, Pioneer…

Column: For the T, riders should come first
Excerpt from Jim Stergios' column in The Boston Globe.

Comparing Retirement Benefits for MBTA and other State Employees
Pioneer’s latest report, A $49 Million Sweetheart Deal: How…

A $49 Million Sweetheart Deal: MBTA Employee Sick Time Perk Enhances Pensions
Listen to the WRKO radio clip of Mary Connaughton interviewed…

Rather than Cut The Ride’s Services, Change the Service Delivery Model
On December 14th, the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control…

State Contractor Confirms: GLX Cost Overruns Due to Bid Process
As Pioneer first pointed out in a September blog post and again…

Op-Ed: Making ‘The Ride’ more cost-effective could help MBTA’s finances
Unseasonably warm November days have given way to increasing…

How to Save the MBTA Over $100 Million a Year
The first step in reforming the MBTA has been taken by the Legislature…