Tag Archive for: health insurance

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

ICER Proves Its Lack of Business Acumen, Again
A recent Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) “Report on Unsupported Price Increases,” concluded that: “Among the top drugs with price increases in 2019…ICER determined that seven of 10 lacked adequate new evidence to demonstrate a substantial clinical benefit that was not yet previously known.” The impression left by the report is that drug companies arbitrarily raise prices without good reason. As with so many ICER products, the study is misleading and demonstrates a profound lack of business acumen.

GOP pushes carrot approach to insurance, over ObamaCare mandate’s stick

As US adopts health care fee, Mass. is in spotlight

Viewpoints: Minn. Missteps With Medicaid Are Object Lesson; ‘Defensive’ Medicine: Red Herring Or Key To Health Costs?

Health Insurance Cost Control
The combined use of limited, or slective, provider networks and…

Wellness Health Incentive Payment Program
Suitable healthcare should always involve an accountable partnership…