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605 search results for: common core


Joy Pullmann on the Fallout from Common Core Co-host Bob Bowdon talks with Joy Pullmann, executive editor of The Federalist, about the mediocre NAEP and PISA results, after a decade of the Common Core national education standards…


Common Core

…and public officials across the country about the serious problems posed by Common Core national education standards. Make a tax-deductible gift below to support our campaign to stop Common Core….


Common Core’s Race to the Middle in Colorado

Common Core’s Race to the Middle in Colorado. Introductory. Introductory remarks by the Honorable Bob Schaffer, Chairman, Colorado State Board of Education/former U.S. Representative. Featuring: The Honorable Robert Scott, former…


Claims and Facts about Common Core

…they are not. The following Claims and Facts address Common Core myths about the development, intent, content, and implementation of the standards. Download Report: Claims and Facts about Common Core


Federal Overreach and Common Core

This report provides the historical background and interpretive analysis needed to understand controversies surrounding Common Core and its associated tests. Download Report: Federal Overreach and Common Core


Common Core Facts

Who developed Common Core’s standards? Three private organizations in Washington DC: the National Governors Association (NGA), the Council for Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and Achieve, Inc.—all funded for this…


California Wants A Tax Hike to Pay For Common Core Lance Izumi, writing in Fox and Hounds, is highly skeptical of new tax hike plans from Governor Jerry Brown and the California Federation of Teachers which they say are…


Fordham report predictable, conflicted

…the other federally-subsidized Common Core-aligned testing program, the Smarter-Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC),[viii] and Student Achievement Partners, the organization that claims to have inspired the Common Core standards[ix] Fordham acknowledges the…


The Core Conundrum Yesterday (February 23) Secretary of Education Arne Duncan called criticisms of the Common Core State Standards, “a conspiracy theory in search of a conspiracy.” He is referring to the…