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Press Release: Municipal Benchmarks for MA’s Middle Cities

Press Release on Pioneer’s new paper which takes a look at economic growth in Massachusetts’ Middle Cities.

Police Chiefs during the economic crisis

Brenda Bond discusses her interviews with Police Chiefs regarding the economic crisis.


What leaders are saying about Pioneer.

Let Me (Try to) Explain — Property Tax Increases

(Blog series so named for William Bulger’s admonition about the three most deadly words a politician can say: Let me explain.) The gubernatorial candidates are sniping at each other over property tax issues. And Blue Mass Group poster “JohnK” has weighed in with a measured assessment of the claims and counterclaims, entitled “CHARLIEBAKERFAIL” or some such thing (they must be using a template at this point). The latest salvo comes from the Patrick Campaign, which is trying a very delicate semantic pivot — that property tax increases have decreased under the GOV. They put up this chart, which I can’t recreate. But from this DOR data, I get directionally the same results. (I’d note that I’m using “Total Tax Levy” […]

How did I make it without a black box theatre?

(I guess this is my introduction to middle age — this is a ‘back in my day’ post) Now, I take a back seat to very few people in the privileged upbringing department — leafy green suburbs, high quality schools — but the new Newton North high school does give one pause. I respect the desire to have the best for your kids (although I’m not happy with the negative incentives that ‘free’ state money provided), but this school is a bit much. Look at all the stuff: A regular theatre and a ‘black-box theatre’ (whatever that might be)? The large flat screen TVs at various stations? Two gyms? Elliptical machines? and on and on. I hope the edifice complex […]