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Is the job picture improving?

I confess to being stumped by the contradictory information circulating today. From a survey of households, you get evidence that unemployment is dropping: From August to September, on a seasonally adjusted basis, the number of unemployed dropped by 12,000 while the number of employed grew by 13,900, resulting in an 8.4% unemployment rate. From a survey of employers, you get evidence that jobs are being eliminated: From August to September, on a seasonally adjusted basis, the number of jobs declined by 20,900. What gives here? Could it be that people are giving up and dropping out of the workforce? I don’t think so — the first link, the survey of households, actually shows the labor force expanding by 1,900 during […]

Obama must do better on charters

It looks like voters across the country, and in a number of races possibly even in Massachusetts, may be voting out congressional leaders who breathed life into many of President Obama’s signature laws. In education, many of his priorities will likely be affected, but polling from Harvard’s Program on Education Policy and Governance suggests that his support for charter schools is not at all affected by his plummeting approval ratings. As noted in a study we just released, Opinion polls conducted between 2008 and 2010 by Education Next and the Harvard Program on Education Policy and Governance show that support for charter schools among the general public is reasonably strong and on the rise. Of a representative sample of nearly […]

Education Tax Credits: A Review of the Rhode Island Program and Assessment of Possibilities in Massachusetts

A Review of the Rhode Island Program and Assessment of Possibilities in Massachusetts Author(s): Matthew P. Steinberg — Publication date: 2010-10-19 Category: Education Abstract: In 2007, Pioneer Institute offered groundbreaking, first-in-the-nation research on the expansion of educational opportunities for low-income students via tax benefits. That report outlined and assessed education tax credit programs in Florida, Minnesota, and Arizona. Building on that research, this policy brief reviews the new tax credit program in Rhode Island which facilitates the transfer of students from public to private schools with the assistance of corporate-funded tuition scholarships. Education Tax Credits

School Choice Models and Public School Reform

School Choice Models and Public School Reform Event to feature former District of Columbia Mayor Anthony Williams and a Roundtable Discussion among Education Leaders Contact Jamie Gass at 617-723-2277 ext. 210 or Rhode Island Jewish Day Schools and Scholarship Tax Credits BOSTON – Former District of Columbia Mayor Anthony Williams, a nationally recognized leader in education reform, will address a forum on “School Choice Models and Public School Reform,” taking place on Wednesday, October 20th . The event is sponsored by Pioneer Institute, the Black Alliance for Educational Options, Democrats for Education Reform, and Harvard’s Program on Education Policy and Governance. Mayor Williams implement D.C.’s successful Opportunity Scholarship Program, a popular initiative which enabled low-income students to attend private […]

Running the Numbers for Gloucester

Today’s Globe has a piece on Gloucester’s issues with schools, which encompass fiscal pressures and the controversial launch of a new charter school. It intrigued me enough to dig into some of the data that is available. A few observations: • State Department of Revenue figures show Gloucester’s school spending going from $27.2m in 2000 to $31.3m in 2009, a relatively modest increase of 15%. Yet other town spending goes from $27.3m to $49.6m over the same period, an increase of 82%. Health insurance costs account for about $7m in increased costs, but what is the rest of it? Is it indicative of the town’s priorities? • From 2000 to 2009, Gloucester’s population has been stable, declining by only 30 […]