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Stepping Back in Time on the T

One of the joys of living in an ‘old’ city like Boston is when it reveals a hidden, seemingly unknown piece of itself. Having traveled enough to fear the growing homogenization of the American streetscape by chain stores, but having lived in and around Boston for most of my life, I was suprised and thrilled to discover the Mattapan Line. Its a small spur off the terminal point of southbound Ashmont Red Line that runs only three miles, stops at 8 stations, and carries about 4,500 passengers on a given weekday. As careful readers will note, I’ve got a thing for transit and its the railcars on the Mattapan Line that are the real treat. Take a look at the […]

Convention Center Chronicles – Wrap-Up

Expanding the Convention Center and adding a Headquarters hotel are going to be heavy financial lifts for this area. We are talking about an initial cost of $212 million to $361 million (all estimates from here), even before new construction can begin. The Convention Center Authority believes it can ‘self-fund’ this, meaning their existing income streams (hotel taxes, sales taxes, Duck boat and trolley tour surcharges, Boston-based car rental/Zipcar surcharges) have enough excess* to support bond funding of this amount. Then, some public entity will need to come up with a minimum package of $200m to support construction of a 1000 room hotel that will need $310 – $500 million in private funds (much of it debt, to be sure) […]

Expanding School Choice through METCO

Non-partisan Research Groups Urge Lawmakers to Expand Minority Students’ Access to METCO Program

Evolução dos Casinos de Criptomoedas

?Os cripto-casinos surgiram como um fenómeno fascinante e transformador no domínio do jogo online. Nesta exploração abrangente, mergulhamos profundamente na evolução dos casinos com criptomoedas, traçando o seu percurso desde o início humilde até se tornarem uma força disruptiva no mundo do jogo online. Junte-se a nós, juntamente com Miguel Costa do, enquanto navegamos na intrincada paisagem dos casinos de criptomoedas, descobrindo os principais marcos e inovações que moldaram a sua evolução. A génese dos cripto-casinos O conceito de cripto-casinos nasceu com a ascensão das criptomoedas, particularmente do Bitcoin, no início da década de 2010. Estas moedas digitais introduziram um novo nível de segurança, transparência e descentralização nas transacções financeiras. Não demorou muito para que os pioneiros reconhecessem seu […]

Senate mischief prove collusion with unions

Two thoughts to add to Jim Stergios’s excellent post below on the state Senate’s cloaked attempt to gut a good-faith effort by the House to give municipalities the tools they need to control employee health care costs. The House plan would let cities and towns save as much as $100 million a year – money that could be put toward sustaining public services. Amendments to the Senate budget would take it all away. First, the Senate’s mischief is a classic example of the collusion between elected officials and the unions, when the parties are supposed to be on opposite sides of the table. The reason cities and towns are in the trouble they are in now is because at contract […]