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Misinformation About Massachusetts Reform from the Left

Jonathan Cohn, Senior Editor of The New Republic tries to undercut the controversial McKinsey study on employer sponsored health insurance (esi) under Obamacare at Kaiser Health News. I wanted to take a moment to highlight one talking point that I have seen repeatedly in the media from the left to defend the federal law and bash the McKinsey study. …studies have consistently shown a very different result: that the majority of employers will continue to offer health insurance, even after health care reform… While these predictions could be wrong, obviously, their findings are consistent with what happened in Massachusetts, where a similar coverage scheme actually bolstered employer-sponsored insurance. (I added the link to DHCFP data here in MA) The problem with […]

Big Trouble in the Merrimack Valley

No one is happier with the Whitey Bulger arrest than John Barrenco. It’s knocked the problems with the Merrimack Special Education Collaborative off the front pages, but there’s a big problem up in the Merrimack Valley area and it appears that a lot of people are going to be in trouble by the time it’s all sorted out. First, a disclaimer: All items below are based on allegations and all the accused are innocent until proven guilty in court of law. With that out of the way, a quick synopsis of the allegations against Barrenco – he served, for a number of years, as the head (or was effectively in control) of both the Merrimack Special Education Collaborative (a public […]

Business Solutions to the Health Care Crunch in the Bay State

New report presents case studies of companies that have successfully controlled health care spending through proven strategies

After Dozens of Rounds of Layoffs, More State Employees Than Before

Even after dozens of rounds of layoffs and promises of cutbacks state employment continued to be a growth industry in Massachusetts through the recession, according to analysis of data from the Comptroller of the Commonwealth and from the Human Resources Division. Several state departments, after a dozen or more layoffs, actually ended up with an increased headcount. Under the threat of massive budget shortfalls in 2008, Governor Deval Patrick promised a slashed budget and “painful” reductions in state staffing numbers. In total, he said 1,000 jobs would be eliminated, spanning a variety of services and departments. While the governor admitted the cost would have tangible impacts on everything from RMV wait times to services for the disabled and deaf, the […]

Doc Gives Grim Diagnosis to “HCR II” in MA

WBUR’s CommonHealth blog posted an interview with Dr. Wayne Glazier on payment reform that hits so many of the important issues on this complex topic. I have written on the Governor’s proposal a few times before and testified in front of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing outlining some of my concerns. However, Dr. Glazier provides a front line perspective that many on Beacon Hill try to simplify in an effort to pass health care reform “phase II” quickly. 1) Global payments don’t get the patient involved in containing costs. The consumer needs to get involved. The current situation puts us in a very bad spot. My patient says ‘I want to go to UMass for my surgery,’ and […]