MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Op-ed: Marshall Plan brought U.S. to apex of power
By Jamie Gass
June 5, 2017
“The cost of war in human…

Commemorating The 100th Anniversary Of U.S. Entry Into World War I
On Tuesday, April 4th, at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for…

Teaching The First World War In Schools Is Topic For Pioneer History Forum
Event to feature Pulitzer Prize winner, celebrated Pres. Wilson…

“The War to End All Wars”: Teaching the First World War in Schools
Please join Pioneer Institute, the United States World War…

Cursive and Historical Literacy: A Real World Example
In the age of computers and modern convenience, the relevancy…

Op-ed: The Great Statesman Cicero Presides Over The Ides Of March Forever
“How I could wish that you had invited me to that most glorious…

Op-ed: Slaving history must not be forgotten
Read this op-ed in The New Bedford Standard Times, The Lowell…

Celebrating Presidents’ Day & K-12 U.S. History Instruction
As we celebrate Presidents' Day, Pioneer Institute is pleased…

Pioneer Celebrates the Legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today, America celebrates the legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin…

Study Highlights Best Practices For Establishing and Updating K-12 History Standards
Massachusetts should be cautious in updating its highly regarded…

Honoring the Service and Sacrifice of Our Veterans
Memorial Day is a time to reflect on the men and women who have…

Pulitzer Prize Winners To Be Featured At Event On Teaching Jacksonian Democracy In Schools
Student Essay Contest Winners Announced
Contact Jamie Gass,…

Op-ed: State should revive US history requirement
To teach students how to exercise the rights and responsibilities associated with active citizenship in a democracy, Massachusetts should revive the requirement that public school students pass a US history MCAS test to graduate from high school.

Column: The last of ‘The Last of the Mohicans’
Public school children are unlikely to read "The Last of the Mohicans," a masterpiece of American literature, thanks to Common Core's emphasis on "informational texts."

Presidents Day: The Innovative JQA
Guest Post by Jordan Harris
Although several Presidents have…

Guest Opinion: Don’t let Challenger disaster, space race become lost
(Note: This op-ed originally appeared on the anniversary of the…

Teaching U.S. Economic History In Schools Is Topic Of Pioneer Forum
Monday, January 25 event “Big Business & Big Labor” to…

Dr. King and American History
Today, America celebrates the legacy of The Reverend Dr. Martin…

New Report on Advanced Civics for U.S. History Teachers, Preface by Churchill Biographer
Study Recommends That States Require Passage of U.S. History…

Gass: On Veterans Day, Learning from ‘Black Jack’ Pershing
This op-ed has appeared in The MetroWest Daily News, The Taunton…

Press Release: Pioneer’s Jamie Gass Honored by the Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies
BOSTON - Pioneer Institute is proud to announce that our Director…

Teaching WWII in Schools: David Kennedy
Published on May 5, 2015
"Never Give In - Never, Never,…

Two Pulitzer Prize Winners to Be Featured at Event on Teaching World War II in Schools
UPDATE! Below are some video clips from this event:

Forum on Teaching Cold War in Schools to Feature Three Pulitzer Prize Winners
BOSTON - Three Pulitzer Prize winners, two retired teachers,…

Research Fellow in U.S. History
Pioneer Institute is seeking a Research Fellow in U.S. History

Study: Common Core ELA Standards Will Further Harm U.S. History Instruction
Study Says Common Core ELA Standards Will Further Harm U.S. History…

U.S. History Essay Contest Awards Nearly $4,000 in Prizes to MA High School Students
Five secondary school students and one high school recognized…

Cokie Roberts Speaking at Forum on Women in U.S. History, Literature, & Schooling
Cokie Roberts among Speakers at Forum on Women in U.S. History,…

Pulitzer Prize Winners, Voter Registration Legend Featured at Event on Teaching the Civil Rights Movement
Two Pulitzer Prize winners will be among those featured at a Pioneer Institute education reform forum, "America in the Age of MLK: Teaching the Civil Rights Movement in Schools," marking the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.

Join Us (1/15): “America in the Age of MLK: Teaching the Civil Rights Movement”
This year marks the 50th anniversary of some of the Civil Rights…