MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Study: T Pensions Would Be Worth $902M More Had Assets Been Managed by State Pension Fund After 2000
MBTA would have saved $676 million, T pensions would have been…

New Study Reveals MBTA’s Reckless Financial Derivatives
Read coverage in The Bond Buyer: "MBTA Lost $236M in 15 Years…

Out-of-Control Administrative Staffing Budget Increases at the MBTA
With talk of fare hikes and ongoing performance problems, Pioneer…

A $49 Million Sweetheart Deal: MBTA Employee Sick Time Perk Enhances Pensions
Listen to the WRKO radio clip of Mary Connaughton interviewed…

Study: “Pacheco Law” Has Cost MBTA At Least $450 Million Since 1997
Report presented to legislative leaders and state budget conferees…

Final, Binding Arbitration Major Obstacle to MBTA Accountability & Performance
Uniquely unaccountable arbitration at MBTA, if unchanged, will…

New Report Outlines Massachusetts’ Experience with State Receiverships
Proposes legislation for MBTA emergency control board

The Pioneer Institute’s Statement on the MBTA
The MBTA is broke and broken. It is structurally insolvent. …

Study: MBTA Retirement Fund Failings a Cautionary Tale
Study Finds Poor Governance Structure, Lack of Accountability…

Study Calls for MBTA Employees to Be Transferred to State Pension System
Despite claims to the contrary, overly generous benefits, early…

Have the T’s Retirement Plans Gone Off the Rails?
Study Finds Financial Condition of MBTA Retirement Plan Deteriorated…

The MBTA’s Out-of-Control Bus Maintenance Costs
Pioneer Institute Study Highlights Overspending on MBTA Bus Maintenance
A new…

New Report: Runaway Transportation Costs
Pioneer's new research director (former state Inspector General)…

Driving Reform: New Study on Real Solutions to Our Transportation Challenges

The Pioneer Plan for Massachusetts’ Transportation Needs
Expect more on the Pioneer Plan for Transportation in the coming…

Public Statement: We Must Address Serious Transportation Needs In Massachusetts, But the Governor’s Proposal Is Not Serious
Pioneer Institute Public Statement from Executive Director Jim Stergios on transportation needs in Massachusetts, and the Governor's recently released proposal.

Pioneer and Northeastern Present State Transportation Scorecard
Use Pioneer's Transportation Dashboard, an online, interactive application designed to model a performance measurement system that could be deployed by the state’s Department of Transportation. It features an array of publicly-available data in an easy-to-digest format, and includes the latest information on key indicators of performance such as congestion, throughput, safety, construction management, and environmental stewardship.